Monday, June 11, 2012

What's this Speck on my Pencil?

OK it isn't a speck. But it is only 2 in. tall and this pencil is the perfect perch. This bee hummingbird  weighs almost nothing, at 2 grams. That's 1/16of an ounce. It has a striking red head that tops the deep blue wings. After two birds mate, the male leaves.This bird only lays 2 eggs. The chicks are in there eggs for a bout 22 days.(what's with all the twos?) The chicks stay with the mother for about 19 days.(Finally, a number besides 2!) Tiny but brave, this bird dive bombs anything that gets to close to the chicks, even eagles.   Native only to Cuba and a nearby Island called Isla de la Juventud this bird lives in lush green forests, and drinks nectar from tube like flowers every 5 minutes in order to live. This bird is truly extraordinary.


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