This is the Red and Yellow Barbet. this is bird is one of the most distinctive barbets of them all. It has a very vibrant head pattern and has spots on it's wings, like white drops of paint on a black canvas. It's tail feathers are stripes of black and white. It's chest and underparts are a lemonade yellow, and a stripe crosses it's chest with a pattern similar to that of its wings.
"Wata you lookin' at!?" |
This doesn't taste anywhere as good as the hamburger I snagged from that teenaged girl's hands!
There diet includes fruit, seeds, insects, lizards, and even small birds and there eggs. They also take advantage of trash cans. This bird also lays it's eggs in an unusualy strange home. A termite mound. Red and Yellow Barbets group together during the mating season. The dominant male mates with one female, and the rest of the birds act as slaves, giving the couple food, and sometimes digging the hole in the termite mound. They're practically slaves! Aside from that, We think that this is a really cool bird.